Project Description
Ottawa is built on a stable bedrock and ground displacement is generally not an issue. With the LRT tunnel started in 2016, ground subsidence became an issue along the LRT track. A number of buildings were found to be affected (red circles) and a sinkhole opened in June 2016 (blue circle).

A PSInSAR map produced with TerraSAR-X Spotllight data has shown that buildings along the LRT between the sinkhole and the Rideau LRT station were shown to subside (black circle).

- Water level change measurements using multi-frequency SAR over the Peace Athabasca Deltaadmin2020-05-11T16:09:49+00:00
- Water level change measured with L-band ALOS PalSAR over the Danube Deltaadmin2020-05-11T16:10:11+00:00